医療経済学会では、医療経済・医療政策及びこれに関連する諸問題の学術的研究の論文をまとめた学会誌・機関誌「医療経済研究」と「Asian Pacific Journal of Health Economics and Policy」を発行しています。
医療経済研究 ISSN:1340-895X(Print), ISSN:2759-4017(Online)医療経済研究
医療経済研究 Vol.36 No.1 2024(2024.10.22発刊)
詳細 及び バックナンバー
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・ 投稿に際して記載いただいた個人情報は、当学会誌・機関紙の運営のみに利用させていただきます。
New Ph.D. Overview
・job marketにおけるNew Ph.D.各人の認知度向上
本企画へ掲載希望の方は、kikanshi@ihep.jp へ下記の申込書を送付ください
New Ph.D. Overview 申込書.(wordファイル)
野口 晴子 早稲田大学 政治経済学術院 教授
- 池上 直己久留米大学医学部 客員教授/慶応義塾大学 名誉教授
- 西村 周三京都大学 名誉教授 /
医療経済研究機構 特別相談役
- 五十嵐 中東京大学大学院薬学系研究科 特任准教授
- 井深 陽子慶應義塾大学 経済学部 教授
- 菅原 琢磨法政大学 経済学部 教授学習院大学 経済学部 教授
- 杉山 雄大国立国際医療研究センター糖尿病情報センター医療政策研究室長 /
- 筑波大学医学医療系教授
- 高久 玲音一橋大学 経済学研究科 教授
- 福田 治久九州大学 大学院医学研究院 医療経営・管理学講座 准教授
- 康永 秀生東京大学大学院医学系研究科 公共健康医学専攻 臨床疫学・経済学分野 教授
- 山田 篤裕慶應義塾大学 経済学部 教授
Asian Pacific Journal of
Health Economics and Policy
Latest issue
Asian Pacific Journal of Health Economics and Policy
Vol.1 ~ Vol.7
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The Asian Pacific Journal of Health Economics and Policy is an e-journal published by the Institute for Health Economics and Policy and the Japan Health Economics Association.
This journal is a no-fee open-access peer-reviewed journal that accept articles on areas of health economics, health care policy, and health services research in a various context of healthcare systems, including non-Western settings. All the scholars in the area above are welcome to submit to the Journal.
Journal Scope
- 1
Enhancing research in the area of health economics, health care policy, and health services research in the context of healthcare system with a specific demographic, social, and politico-historical background.
- 2
Setting an academic platform for scholars and other interested parties including policy makers to enhance discussion for evidence-based health policy making.
- 3
Promoting open exchange of views, theories, and opinions among all concerned with the various dimensions of healthcare systems to seek for an innovating integration of related disciplines for efficient and fair healthcare systems.
The personal information provided at the submission will be used only for the operation of our journals.
Instructions to AuthorsManuscript Submission and Specifications
Call For Papers
The Asian Pacific Journal of Health Economics and Policy, an e-journal published by the Japan Health Economics Association and the Institute for Health Economics and Policy, invites submissions for papers focusing on the above mentioned Journal Scope.
Friday, Jan 31, 2025, 17:00 (JST)
〇Issue (tentative)
Papers accepted for publication will appear in either: APJHEP Vol. 6 No. 2 (Spring 2025), or APJHEP Vol. 7 No. 1 (Autumn 2025)
Editorial Committee Member
Haruko Noguchi, PhDProfessor, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University
Editorial Committee
(Member List)
- Ataru Igarashi, MD PhD Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Tokyo University
- Yoko Ibuka, PhDProfessor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University
- Takuma Sugahara, PhDProfessor, Faculty of Economics, Hosei University
- Takehiro Sugiyama, MD PhD Chief, Division of Health Services Research, Diabetes and Metabolism Information Center, National Center for Global Health and Medicine / Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
- Reo Takaku, PhD Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hitotsubashi University
- Haruhisa Fukuda, PhDAssociate Professor, Department of Health Care Administration and Management
Center for Cohort Studies, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
- Hideo Yasunaga, MD PhD Professor, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Health Economics, School of Public Health, the University of Tokyo
- Atsuhiro Yamada, PhD Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University
Adjunct Editor
- Jui-fen Rachel Lu, ScDProfessor, Dept of Health Care Management & Graduate Institute of Management, College of Management, Chang Gung University
- Soonman Kwon, PhDProfessor, Seoul National Univesity School of Public Health
- Naoki Ikegami, MD, PhDProfessor Emeritus, Keio University / Adjunct Professor, Kurume University School of Medicine
- Shuzo Nishimura, PhDProfessor Emeritus, Kyoto University
/ Executive Adviser of Institute for Health Economics and Policy (IHEP)