




2014年3月 東京理科大学 薬学部 薬学科 卒業 (薬剤師免許取得)
2019年3月 浜松医科大学 大学院医学系研究科 博士課程 単位取得満期退学
2019年11月 博士(医学)
2022年3月 東京大学大学院 医学系研究科 公共健康医学専攻 専門職学位課程 修了


2015年4月 浜松医科大学医学部附属病院 薬剤部 薬剤師(~2021年3月)
2021年4月 株式会社hitotofrom まんまる薬局 在宅訪問薬剤師(~2022年3月)
2022年4月 東京大学大学院医学系研究科公共健康医学専攻 臨床疫学・経済学教室 客員研究員
2022年4月 医療経済研究機構 研究部研究員



  • 1.厚生労働行政推進調査事業費補助金(厚生労働科学特別研究事業), 分担研究:海外におけるフォーミュラリーの策定および運用状況に関する調査研究. 病院フォーミュラリーの策定に係る標準的手法開発および地域医療への影響調査研究(20CA2020)班. 2020年


  • 1.Taguchi R, Hamada S, Michihata N, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Kitamura S, Ishikawa T, Iwagami M. Factors associated with the introduction of visiting‐pharmacist services in older adults in Japan: A nested case–control study. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2024. doi:10.1111/ggi.14838 (in press)
  • 2.Suto M, Iba A, Sugiyama T,Kodama T, Takegami M, Taguchi R, et al. Literature Review of Studies Using the National Database of the Health Insurance Claims of Japan (NDB): Limitations and Strategies in Using the NDB for Research. JMA J. 2024;7:10-20.
  • 3.Liau SJ, Hamada S, Jadczak AD, Sakata N, Lalic S, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Taguchi R, Visvanathan R, Bell JS. Symptomatic and preventive medication use according to age and frailty in Australian and Japanese nursing homes. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2023;35:3047-3057.
  • 4.Suto M, Sugiyama T, Imai K, Furuno T, Hosozawa M, Ichinose Y, Ihana-Sugiyama N, Kodama T, Koizumi R, Shimizu-Motohashi Y, Murata S, Nakamura Y, Niino M, Sato M, Taguchi R, et al. Studies of Health Insurance Claims Data in Japan: A Scoping Review. JMA J. 2023;6:233-245.
  • 5.Taguchi R, Shigemi D, Yasunaga H: Trends in antihypertensive prescription for pregnant women with hypertension and their peripartum outcomes before and after label and guideline revisions in Japan. Hypertens Res. 2022;45:1823-1831.
  • 6.Taguchi R, Naito T, Suzuki K, Kurosawa Y, Itoh H, Kawakami J: Maternal plasma and cord blood concentration profiles of duloxetine during the peripartum period and their associations with the modified Finnegan score. Ther Drug Monit. 2022;44:351-352.
  • 7.Taguchi R, Naito T, Kubono N, Ogawa N, Itoh H, Kawakami J: Relationships between endogenous CYP3A markers and plasma amlodipine exposure and metabolism in early postpartum and non-peripartum women with hypertension. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2019;17:209-215.
  • 8.Taguchi R, Naito T, Sato H, Kawakami J: Validated LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of amlodipine and its major metabolites in human plasma applied of hypertensive patients. Ther Drug Monit. 2017;39:625-631.


  • 1.医療情報科学研究所[編] 薬がみえる vol.1. 2014年


  • 1.田口怜奈, 浜田将太, 土屋瑠見子, 石川智基, 西田和正, 北村智美, 服部真治. 地域在住高齢者への訪問薬剤師導入後6か月間における居住場所別の訪問実態:医療・介護連結データ分析. 第33回日本医療薬学会年会. 2023年11月(仙台)
  • 2.Taguchi R, Hamada S, Michihata N, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Ishikawa T, Nishida K, Kitamura S, Hattori S. Characterization of older adults receiving visiting-pharmacist services in a city of Japan: a nested case-control study using certificate data for long-term care needs. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress. Jun 2023 (Yokohama). Outstanding Poster Presentation Award受賞
  • 3.田口怜奈, 浜田将太, 道端 伸明, 土屋瑠見子, 岩上将夫, 石川智基, 西田和正, 北村智美, 服部真治. 要支援・要介護高齢者への訪問薬剤師導入に関連する因子:医療・介護連結データ分析. 第7回日本老年薬学会学術大会. 2023年5月(福岡). 優秀演題賞受賞
  • 4.田口怜奈, 浜田将太, 土屋瑠見子, 石川智基, 北村智美, 西田和正, 服部真治. 訪問薬剤師の初回介入時点における患者特性:医療・介護連結データ解析. 日本薬学会第143年会. 2023年3月(札幌)
  • 5.田口怜奈, 重見大介, 康永秀生. 添付文書および診療ガイドライン改訂前後における高血圧を有する妊婦への降圧薬処方および周産期アウトカム. 医療薬学フォーラム2022 第30回クリニカルファーマシーシンポジウム. 2022年7月
  • 6.田口怜奈, 内藤隆文, 鈴木光路, 久保野尚子, 伊東宏晃, 川上純一. デュロキセチン服用妊婦における臍帯血・母体血中薬物濃度と新生児薬物離脱症候群との関係. 第30回日本医療薬学会年会. 2020年10月
  • 7.田口怜奈, 内藤隆文, 久保野尚子, 小川法良, 伊東宏晃, 川上純一. 産褥期女性におけるCYP3A活性の内因性マーカーおよびアムロジピンの血中挙動の定量的評価. 第28回日本医療薬学会年会. 2018年11月 (神戸). 優秀演題賞受賞
  • 8.Taguchi R, Naito T, Kubono N, Ogawa N, Itoh H, Kawakami J. Relationship between biomarkers for CYP3A activity and amlodipine metabolism in postpartum women. World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018; 78th International Congress of FIP. Sep 2018 (Glasgow, Scotland, UK)
  • 9.Taguchi R, Naito T, Sato H, Ogawa N, Kawakami J: Validated LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of amlodipine and its major metabolites in human plasma and its clinical application to patients with hypertension. The 17th Hamamatsu-Kyungpook Joint Medical Symposium. Nov 2017 (Daegu, Korea)
  • 10.Taguchi R, Naito T, Sato H, Kawakami J: Validated LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of amlodipine and its major metabolites in human plasma and its clinical application to patients with hypertension. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting. Dec 2016 (Las Vegas, NV, USA)



Research Fields

Clinical Epidemiology, Pharmacoepidemiology, Health Services Research, Home Health Care, Maternity Health Care


Mar 2022 MPH, The University of Tokyo
Nov 2019 PhD, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Mar 2014 BSc, Tokyo University of Science (Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Academic and Professional Experiences

Apr 2022 - Researcher, Institute for Health Economics and Policy
Apr 2022 - Visiting Research Fellow, The University of Tokyo (Clinical Epidemiology and Health Economics)
Apr 2021 - Mar 2022 Home Visiting Pharmacist, Manmaru Pharmacy
Apr 2015 - Mar 2021 Hospital Pharmacist, Hamamatsu University Hospital

  • 1.Taguchi R, Hamada S, Michihata N, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Kitamura S, Ishikawa T, Iwagami M. Factors associated with the introduction of visiting‐pharmacist services in older adults in Japan: A nested case–control study. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2024. doi:10.1111/ggi.14838 (in press)
  • 2.Suto M, Iba A, Sugiyama T,Kodama T, Takegami M, Taguchi R, et al. Literature Review of Studies Using the National Database of the Health Insurance Claims of Japan (NDB): Limitations and Strategies in Using the NDB for Research. JMA J. 2024;7:10-20.
  • 3.Liau SJ, Hamada S, Jadczak AD, Sakata N, Lalic S, Tsuchiya-Ito R, Taguchi R, Visvanathan R, Bell JS. Symptomatic and preventive medication use according to age and frailty in Australian and Japanese nursing homes. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2023;35:3047-3057.
  • 4.Suto M, Sugiyama T, Imai K, Furuno T, Hosozawa M, Ichinose Y, Ihana-Sugiyama N, Kodama T, Koizumi R, Shimizu-Motohashi Y, Murata S, Nakamura Y, Niino M, Sato M, Taguchi R, et al. Studies of Health Insurance Claims Data in Japan: A Scoping Review. JMA J. 2023;6:233-245.
  • 5.Taguchi R, Shigemi D, Yasunaga H: Trends in antihypertensive prescription for pregnant women with hypertension and their peripartum outcomes before and after label and guideline revisions in Japan. Hypertens Res. 2022;45:1823-1831.
  • 6.Taguchi R, Naito T, Suzuki K, Kurosawa Y, Itoh H, Kawakami J: Maternal plasma and cord blood concentration profiles of duloxetine during the peripartum period and their associations with the modified Finnegan score. Ther Drug Monit. 2022;44:351-352.
  • 7.Taguchi R, Naito T, Kubono N, Ogawa N, Itoh H, Kawakami J: Relationships between endogenous CYP3A markers and plasma amlodipine exposure and metabolism in early postpartum and non-peripartum women with hypertension. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2019;17:209-215.
  • 8.Taguchi R, Naito T, Sato H, Kawakami J: Validated LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of amlodipine and its major metabolites in human plasma applied of hypertensive patients. Ther Drug Monit. 2017;39:625-631.
